Fractional Steel Rule Measurement
You'll learn to read a fractional steel rule.
Measurement: What Is Precision?
You'll be able to identify the precision of an approximate number in measurement.
Reading a Decimal Steel Rule
You'll learn to read a decimal steel rule.
Screw Threads and Fasteners
You'll practice identifying parts of screw threads and fasteners on a series of drawings.
Saw Blades
You'll define saw blade terminology.
General Shop Safety
You'll learn to identify common safety issues in a shop setting as well as safe and unsafe work habits.
Using Carbide Cutting Tools
You'll identify proper and improper operating conditions when using carbide cutting tools.
Work-Holding Devices
In this learning activity the student will identify and select the proper type of work-holding and procedures for particular applications.
Fundamentals of Statistical Process Control
The learner will identify the different types of data and terms associated with Statistical Process Control (SPC).
You'll practice identifying the basic parts of a common file and choose the proper file and procedure for a given operation.