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Language Features

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How quickly can you identify the different language features from either the description or from an example.

Created Date 05.12.20
Last Updated 05.12.20
Viewed 49 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • This is the repetition of letter sound at the start of a word.
  • This is a word that imitates or suggests the source of the sound that it describes.
  • This is a word that compares two things, the comparison is usually made by stating something is something else.
  • This is a word that compares two similar things, as being like or as something else.
  • This includes informal (or casual) words that are made up and used by cultural groups.
  • This helps the audience think about what has been written and may be so obvious that no answer is required.
  • When something non-human or even something that is not alive; is doing something only humans can do.
  • This is when adjectives or adverbs are used that relate to or refer to emotions.
  • A group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word on its own
  • A doing or state of being word.
  • A describing word. Sometimes there are three together to make it more effective and it adds emphasis to a point that is being made.
  • A word describing how something is done.
  • This is used to overstate ideas to emphasise to the reader the importance of the situation
  • It means writing from the author's point of view or perspective.
  • Words like this help to make the reader feel like you are their friend or that they are talking to you personally
  • Used to make the reader feel like they are being included, valued and that they are talking to you personally
  • This is used because it makes writing sound more objective, concerned about facts and are not influenced as much by personal feelings or biases.
  • These are verbs that demand action from the reader
  • These help to make the text seem logical and helps the reader to follow the argument you are making
  • Using these helps provide evidence to make the reader believe the information is reliable