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Creative Thinking Final Review

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Battle it out against the Triviatron! Answer questions about the second half of our Creative Thinking course. Answer questions correctly and you'll receive a smiley face. Answer them incorrectly you'll receive a frowny face. Your score will be displayed at the end of the game. Good luck!

Created Date 05.06.20
Last Updated 05.07.20
Viewed 1 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Which cognitive stage in the musical and kinesthetic domain is known as the infant and toddler stage?
  • According to the continuum of Play Behavior, the behavior of 'child-initiated' best matches which type of learning?
  • Garbage or food waste can be used as a reused item.
  • What is play?
  • During play, a child's creativity is developed through problem-solving
  • Lullabies are not considered a type of music?
  • What activity is drama-based
  • Direct learning is receptive learning
  • When work is described as play, it is considered...
  • Which of the following is an example of drama-based activity?
  • How can dramatic arts be implemented in an inclusive classroom?
  • Children do not learn cognitive skills when they participate in music, dance, or movement?
  • The National Association for Music Education NAfME recommends that _____ percentage of every day should be spent on musical activities.
  • Which of the following is an example of designing and directing?
  • What is constructive play?
  • What is sociodramatic play?
  • Play promotes social development but not cognitive development.
  • What is described as “an object used on stage or screen by actors during a performance or screen production?”
  • Dramatic Arts supports both interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence.
  • The intelligence described as “using the body to express feelings, thoughts and solve problems” is known as?
  • The teacher role described as “helping children develop deeper understanding” is known as:
  • Group games hinder students’ cooperative behaviors and strategic thinking.
  • What does NAfME stand for? a) National Association for Middle School Education
  • Which of the following is true about pantomimes?
  • Play-based learning often comes in the form of stations or centers.