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Cold War Review Quiz

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Review Cold War era terms by playing this bingo game!

Created Date 05.01.20
Last Updated 05.01.20
Viewed 8 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Military operation that brought food & needed supplies to West Berlin after it was blockaded
  • Alliance between 30 North American and European countries formed after WWII
  • Campaign by a U.S. Senator against alleged Communists in the U.S. government
  • This is the part of Korea that is currently under a Communist regime.
  • War that last 20 years, ended in the 1970s and was a loss for the USA.
  • Agency created to deal with potential space exploration; formed after Sputnik went into space
  • Funny name for the failed attempt by the US government to overthrow Castro in Cuba
  • 1st artificial satellite in space
  • Volunteer organization funded by JFK to social and economic development overseas
  • President assassinated in 1963
  • 1st country to put a man into space
  • 1st country to put a man on the moon
  • Reason why the Soviets having missiles in Cuba was such a threat to the U.S.
  • This is one reason why the youth of the 1960's were angry and protest the government.
  • Name of treaties designed to deal with arms reduction between the US and the Soviet Union
  • City in Vietnam (now known as Ho Chi Minh City); fall of this city marked the end of the Vietnam War
  • Leader with a funny name who led the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia in the early 1970's
  • President who led the Camp David Accords to broker peace between Israel and Egypt
  • Peaceful negotiation summit in the US between the US, Israel and Egypt
  • Country where a hostage crisis saw American citizens held in captivity until 1981
  • This country was divided into East (Democratic) and West (Communist) after WWII
  • Another name for the Soviet Union
  • Nation that signed a treaty of friendship with Stalin under the leadership of Mao Zedong
  • Soviet leader who took over after Stalin's death in 1953
  • Man who took over Cuba in 1959 and brought Communism to the nation