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Alien Game: Cold War Questions

| See more in History

Answer enough questions to create an alien band.

Created Date 05.01.20
Last Updated 05.01.20
Viewed 2 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Name the individual whose death occurred BEFORE the end of WWII.
  • Which of the following people did NOT attend the Yalta Conference?
  • Name the LAST country to surrender in WWII, thus officially ending the war.
  • True or False: Stalin once made a speech in which he said that the Soviets and the West could not exist.
  • After the war, which country saw some of its officials found guilt of war crimes at Nuremberg?
  • How did the Marshall Plan impact Europe?
  • How did McCarthyism impact the U.S.?
  • Which country BECAME a country in 1948, creating issues between them and the Palestinian Muslims?
  • Which of the following men were once leaders of the Soviet Union (Russia)?
  • After WWII, this country received its independence from Great Britain. hint: it is the 2nd largest country in Asia, behind China.
  • Which of the following countries was NOT in NATO?
  • Which of the following is NOT a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council?
  • True or False: Stalin declared that Communism was a threat to world peace.
  • A __________ nation is one that aligned with and was under the pressure and influence of the Soviet Union.
  • True or False: The Truman Doctrine was about giving aid to any country resisting Communism.
  • The __________ gave federal money for college, starting businesses or buying new homes to soldiers.
  • The ________ was the fear of Communism that occurred in the 1950's.
  • True or False: Japan modeled its recovery after WWII after the industrialization that they saw in the U.S.
  • Which of the Koreas invaded the other first?
  • What does USSR stand for?