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Gases and Food Preservation

| See more in Chemistry

This game is about the use of common atmospheric gases in food preservation.

Created Date 04.29.20
Last Updated 04.29.20
Viewed 0 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Which of the following words can be best used to explain the cause of food spoilage?
  • Which of the following words best describes all techniques used to prevent food from spoiling?
  • Carbon monoxide is used to preserve food as it is good at
  • Carbon dioxide is used to prevent spoilage of which of the following?
  • Which of the following gases can be used to keep meat "looking" fresh and red?
  • Which of the following gases helps to keep meat "looking" red but also cause it to spoil quickly?
  • Which of the following gases helps to extend the shelf-life and flavor of fruits and vegetables?
  • Which of the following gases helps to maintain the freshness of vegetables?
  • Which of the following gases are used as a packaging gas in snacks? (atmos. = atmospheric)
  • Which of the following gases helps to preserve the appearance of fruits and also helps to prevent them from rotting