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Famous People from Ancient Greece

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Famous People from Ancient Greece - Philosophers, Playwrights, Poets, Historians, Scientist and Leaders.

Created Date 04.19.20
Last Updated 04.20.20
Viewed 77 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • First of the great Greek Philosophers. He is considered by many to be the founder of Western philosophy.
  • Student of Socrates. He wrote many dialogues using Socrates as a major character. He also founded the Academy
  • Student of Plato. A philosopher and scientist. He was interested in the physical world. He was a
  • A Greek playwright, he is considered the father of the tragedy.
  • probably the most popular playwright during Greek times. He won many writing competitions and is thought to ha
  • he last of the great Greek tragedy writers, was unique in that he used strong women characters and i
  • A Greek playwright who wrote comedies, he is considered the father of the comedy.
  • His fables were known for both talking animals as well as teaching a moral.
  • Homer was the most famous of the Greek epic poets. He wrote the epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey.
  • A historian who chronicled the Persian Wars, is often called the Father of History.
  • A great Greek historian who was known for the exact science of his research, he wrote about the war between At
  • A scientist of medicine, He is called the Father of Western Medicine. Doctors still take his oath today
  • A scientist and philosopher, he came up with the Pythagorean Theorem still used today in much of geometry.
  • The first important Greek scientist, studied astronomy and mathematics
  • Often called the greatest military commander in history, expanded the Greek empire to its greatest
  • Father of Athenian Democracy, helped to reform the constitution so the democracy could work for all.
  • He is considered one of the great mathematicians and scientists in history. Made many discoveries
  • Astronomer and mathematician, first to put the sun at the center of the known universe
  • Scientist - concluded that Earth was round.
  • The Father of Geometry, wrote a book called Elements, likely the the most famous mathematical textbook
  • A leader and statesman during the golden age of Greece. He helped democracy to flourish.
  • Usually credited with laying the foundations and ideas for democracy.
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