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Lord of the Flies Review - Chapters 5-8

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Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Time to get your review on!

Created Date 03.02.23
Last Updated 03.03.23
Viewed 6 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Before the meeting at the start of Chapter 5, Ralph recognizes Piggy's strength. What is Piggy's strength?
  • How does Jack feel about the rules the boys have established on the island?
  • The parachuting figure at the start of the chapter "Beast from Air" is a reminder of
  • Ralph struggles in his disagreements with Jack and also has difficulty in trying to
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  • When Ralph participates in the hunt, he is the only one who manages to wound the pig. How does it make Ralph feel?
  • When the boys surround Robert and pretend he is a pig, readers see glimpses of
  • Why does Ralph agree to climb the mountain to search for the Beast?
  • When Jack splits from the group, he declares, "I'm not going to play any longer. Not with you." This statement reminds readers
  • Simon's encounter with the pig's head on a spike can be understood as