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Blood Cells

| See more in Biology

This is a review for Blood and all of its aspects.

Created Date 03.20.20
Last Updated 03.23.20
Viewed 118 Times
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Topics of this game:
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  • An example of an agranulocytic leukocyte is a/an
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  • White blood cells use peripheral blood for
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  • One hemoglobin molecule can carry how many molecules of oxygen?
  • The PMN is also known as a/an
  • A megakaryocyte will eventually produce
  • A term that describes normal monocyte production is
  • The process by which neutrophils are attracted to the site of an infection by the interaction between microorganisms and tissue is called
  • The PCV is determined using
  • What is the minimum number of nuclear lobes seen in a hypersegmented neutrophil?
  • What gives hemoglobin its natural color?
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  • You would most likely see postprandial lipemia
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  • There are 13 clotting factors. What is the minimum number of factors that can be deficient or absent before blood will not clot?
  • During hemostasis which process occurs first?
  • The process by which blood is prevented from leaking out of damaged blood vessels is
  • EDTA is a/an
  • The process by which neutrophils engulf invading foreign microorganisms is called
  • An animal that has been vomiting frequently for the past 5 days and has been eating or drinking very little will most likely suffer from
  • This granulocyte’s granules contain heparin.
  • When monocytes enter tissue they become
  • The rate of erythropoiesis is controlled by erythropoietin, which is a/an
  • If an anticoagulant is used when collecting a blood sample, the fluid obtained from the sample after it has been centrifuged is
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  • The organ in an animal’s body that is the primary site of extravascular hemolysis is the
  • An immature neutrophil with a horseshoe-shaped nucleus is called a
  • Granulocytes are blood cells that have
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  • A senescent erythrocyte is a/an __ erythrocyte.