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American Literature Review

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American Literature Review: The Devil and Tom Walker, The Story of an Hour, The Autobiography of Ben Franklin

Created Date 02.08.16
Last Updated 02.08.16
Viewed 218 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Why is the selection by Franklin identified as an autobiography?
  • According to The Autobiography, what is Franklin's first step in his plan to reach perfection?
  • In The Autobiography, what does Franklin say keeps him from becoming a better person?
  • What conclusion can you draw about why Franklin has trouble staying organized, according to The Autobiography?
  • In The Autobiography, why does Franklin assign a week to each of the virtues he is trying to achieve?
  • In The Autobiography, Franklin believes that he can become a better person. What does this belief tell you about how he sees himself?
  • What information does The Autobiography reveal to readers about Franklin?
  • Franklin writes in The Autobiography that even though he is old, he has not reached perfection. What conclusion can you draw from this information?
  • Based on "The Devil and Tom Walker," what was one believe of the New England Puritans during this time period?
  • In "The Devil and Tom Walker," how does the writer show that Tom's wife is meant to represent many women rather than one specific woman?
  • In “The Devil and Tom Walker,” why does Tom's wife go off into the forest with her best silver?
  • Based on “The Devil and Tom Walker,” which of the following beliefs did the Puritans of this time hold?
  • Based on Tom's behavior in “The Devil and Tom Walker,” which of these groups did Irving likely support?
  • What most likely happens to Tom at the end of “The Devil and Tom Walker”?
  • In “The Story of an Hour,” why is Josephine afraid to tell Mrs. Mallard that her husband died?
  • In “The Story of an Hour,” what is ironic about the sounds Mrs. Mallard hears after she has been told of her husband's death?
  • In “The Story of an Hour,” the thing that Mrs. Mallard feels approaching her is described as “creeping” and as something that will “possess her.” Why are these words ironic?
  • Which moment in “The Story of an Hour” is an example of situational irony?
  • In “The Story of an Hour,” whom does Mrs. Mallard believe she will live for when she thinks her husband has been killed?
  • In “The Story of an Hour,” what is ironic about these words: “She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long … only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life might be long”?
  • What happens toward the end of “The Story of an Hour” that changes the entire story?
  • In “The Story of an Hour,” what is ironic about the death of Mrs. Mallard after she sees her husband still alive?
  • Why might readers interpret the title “The Story of an Hour” as an ironic title?