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The Texas Legislature - Govt 2306 Chapter 7

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This is a practice game on the Texas Legislature - Govt. 2306 Chapter 7

Created Date 03.03.20
Last Updated 03.04.20
Viewed 1 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • A legislative body with two chambers or houses is known as
  • The French political philosopher who conceived the bicameral division as a means of ensuring that no one chamber dominates the other was
  • A law that potentially affects all Texans is known as a
  • A new law would specifically be applicable only to the residents of El Paso. This is an example of a(n) _________________
  • A new law exempts the petroleum refining industry in Texas from certain environmental regulations. This is a
  • The Texas Senate passes a non-binding bill that criticizes the pro-choice movement in Texas. This would be a
  • Which of these bills is a real example of legislation from the 85th legislative session in Texas?
  • Resolutions that are used to propose amendments to the Texas Constitution or to ratify proposed amendments to the U.S. Constitutino are
  • Resolutions that are passed separately, but at the same time by both chambers, and are used to give directions to state agencies on procedural issues such as legislative adjournment or the initiation of a special session are called
  • How many members are in the Texas House of Representatives?
  • How many members are there in the Texas Senate?
  • What is the length of a term for a member of the Texas House?
  • According to the Texas Constitution, which of these is a qualification for being a member of the Texas House of Representatives?
  • Which legislative body or elected official is granted the "power of the purse" (authority over funding policies).
  • Which body has responsibilities that require more deliberation, such as confirming or rejecting appointments from the governor to state boards and commissions?
  • Legislators also have extra tasks outside the legislature that they must attend to. An example would be:
  • An incumbent politician is running for re-election to the Texas Senate. One of the important parts of his campaign speeches has been a list of all of the accomplishments he says were gained through legislation he supported and voted for. This is an example of
  • A Texas House Member hosts a local townhall meeting where she presents a policy stance on a proposed bill that she feels will impact her constituents. This would be an example of
  • A legislator who votes in accordance with their interpretation of what his or her district would want is following the ____________ model of representation
  • The textbook and notes present a study that examined tweets from the 85th Legislature. Which issues appear to receive the most attention in the House and the Senate?
  • If the governor calls the legislature back in order to address a specific agenda or set of problems of his/her choosing, this would be a
  • A regular session of the Texas legislature lasts __________ days and a special session can last no more than ______ days.
  • The Texas Legislative Budget Board (LBB) writes ________________, setting the stage for future legislative debate.
  • How much does a Texas legislator make per year, excluding any per dium?
  • In order for a bill to go to the governor's desk,