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AAG 2019-2020 Traits of Civilization and Sumer city-states

| See more in History

National geographic world history

Created Date 12.07.19
Last Updated 12.09.19
Viewed 2 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Which one of the following is not a trait of civilization
  • What is the purpose of complex institutions?
  • Which one of the following is not a specialized worker?
  • What was at the heart of the cities?
  • What did the scribes do?
  • What is the writing that looks like the thing that looks like the object it represents?
  • What was the purpose for organized religion?
  • What was the purpose of the government?
  • What did improved technology do?
  • In Sumer how did the city states interact with each other?
  • What type of writing did Sumer have for record keeping?
  • Who was in charge of the organized religion in Sumer?
  • How many city-states were in Sumer?
  • Who was a part of the government in Sumer?
  • Where were the city-states built?