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Amendment Vocabulary Rapid Fire

| See more in Political Science

Amendment Vocabulary Review

Created Date 11.22.19
Last Updated 11.25.19
Viewed 12 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What term means a change to the constitution?
  • What term means each branch of government has some ability to limit the actions of the other two branches?
  • What term means dividing power between states and national governments?
  • What term means rights that cannot be taken away?
  • What term means to be born in the United States?
  • What term means to become a citizen by taking a test?
  • What term means a form of government where the citizens elect representatives to make laws?
  • What term means the idea to spread the powers between the three branches of government?
  • What term means a formal written request made to an official person or organized body?
  • What term means an idea for a law?
  • What term means to accuse an appointed or elected official of committing a crime?
  • What term means forgiving one for a crime committed?
  • What term means the branch of the government responsible for enforcing laws?
  • What term means the branch of the government responsible for creating laws?
  • What term means the branch of the government responsible for interpreting laws?