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Substance Use Disorders and Urine Drug Testing for Case Managers

| See more in Psychology

ValleyAcademy Prep

Created Date 01.16.20
Last Updated 01.20.20
Viewed 104 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Which of the following is NOT part of the ASAM urine drug testing guidelines?
  • Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for developing an Alcohol Use Disorder?
  • Which substance requires a medical detox?
  • Someone who is sober because they are in the hospital is in what type of remission?
  • Your client says they drink 16, 12 oz beers per day. About how much liquor is that equivalent to?
  • A client comes to you after testing positive for Methamphetamine from an LCMS machine. The client denies using and says, “I kissed my boyfriend and he uses meth, not me! The test must be wrong!” What should you tell your client?
  • A test labeled as a Confirmation tells you what about the result?
  • In a meeting with your client, you ask for a UA and they say, “Doing a UA is an invasion of my privacy!” How should you respond?
  • Which urinalysis is most likely to show a false positive result?
  • Which substance does NOT have FDA approved Medication Assisted Treatment?
  • Which of the following is a symptom of a SUD?