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The United States Unit 12 Vegetable Crush

| See more in History

Test your knowledge of Unit 12 vocabulary and facts!

Created Date 05.05.19
Last Updated 05.07.19
Viewed 8 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is the official symbol for the Democrat political party?
  • What is the landmark building that represents the Legislative Branch?
  • Which of the following cultural holidays is a celebration of freedom?
  • Which landmark building represents the Executive Branch?
  • What do you call Americans that do not lose unique aspects of their country, such as cultures and traditions?
  • What is the official symbol for the Republican political party?
  • What was the gift from France to honor the 100 year anniversary of the Declaration of Independence?
  • What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?
  • Which national monument that has the faces of four influential Presidents carved into it?
  • The White House is an important landmark that represents which branch of government?
  • Who was Uncle Sam?
  • What do you call the participation of people as citizens for important issues in politics and civics?
  • Which of the following is both a right and a responsibility of being a U.S. citizen?
  • Which is an example of the Democratic Process?
  • What do you call the ‘melting’ together of different cultures, traditions, and people into the American culture?
  • John F. Kennedy's speech " ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country" is talking about what?
  • The President of the United States is expected to have the ability to -
  • Which of the following ways of contacting government officials has become more common in the 21st century?
  • Which group of people in the United States would most likely celebrate Cinco de Mayo?
  • Hindus celebrate a Festival of Lights called -
  • What is the landmark building that represents the Judicial Branch?