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Programming Basics: Part 1 of 2

| See more in Manufacturing

You'll practice distinguishing different concepts of robotic programming.

Created Date 06.15.15
Last Updated 06.16.15
Viewed 283 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What does TCP stand for?
  • The mathematical point that a robot is moving through space is:
  • This form of motion control often uses mechanical stops or limit switches for each designated point. The design is often simple and used in repetitive tasks that do not require complicated motion.
  • This form of motion control involves teaching the robot a number of points in space. The positions are recorded and then played back. The result is a motion that travels the straight lines between points with no real control of the end effector between points.
  • This is an extension of point-to-point motion. The difference is that this motion type can generate thousands of points much closer together, creating a smooth and continuous path.
  • This is the most sophisticated method of motion control. The robot is programmed to move in a precisely controlled path from one point to the next. A linear movement and a circular movement are examples of this type of motion control. Speed and velocity are also precisely controlled for each movement of the robot or from one point to the next
  • Simple systems such as pick-and-place and point-to-point robots can be programmed this way. This programming method is more like machine set-up. An operator will set up the positions and make adjustments to any end stops, switches, or cams in the system.
  • This method of programming uses a device that allows the operator to lead the robot through the positions and record points to memory.
  • This method of programming involves manually walking the robot through the steps and recording points. Thousands of points can be recorded, making a very smooth motion.
  • This type of programming has an advantage over on-line programming because the programmer does not have to take the robot out of production to create programs. This also allows a programmer to more easily write complex programs and spend less time programming.
  • If a welding torch gets bent or damaged, the TCP won't line up with the weld wire.
  • When a robot is shipped from the factory, it already knows where the end of the welding wire is in relationship to the end of the robot.
  • A misaligned TCP is a common source of problems for welding quality and consistency.
  • One TCP may be used for different tools on a robot.
  • A robot may have more than one TCP.