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Squidtastic: Communication 101

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This is a challenging game designed to test your understanding of the concepts and terms learned in Communication 101. It is also a great study guide for quizzes and tests.

Created Date 04.07.19
Last Updated 04.08.19
Viewed 12 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • A term used to describe the abundance of nonverbal cues that add clarity to a verbal message.
  • How is a message received and delivered?
  • Sally and Ben had a misunderstanding and have not spoken in several weeks. Sally wants to make thing right. What is the best communication channel she can use to start the conversation?
  • Self monitoring is a sign of communication competence.
  • Communicating in a two person group is an example of what?
  • George sends an e-mail to a friend. George is using what type of communication.
  • Emily and Sarah are having a discussion about a problem that Sarah is having. Emily has a personal sense of Sarah's experience but does not agree that Sarah's anger is valid. Emily is showing:
  • This occurs when personal characteristics are used to explain others personal behavior.
  • Feelings you have about yourself, that you would not share with anyone else, like your appearance, your intelligence, your goals or your motives are examples of what?
  • You want to try to get your neighbor to pay for part of a fence you want to install. You are a good neighbor but are going overboard to get them to agree. You are practicing what?
  • George has studied very hard for a test but keeps telling himself he is going to fail. Despite the fact that he knows the material he doesn't do well. This is an example of what?
  • Early in life Michael was told that he threw like a girl. Because of this Michael was scared to play sports at school. His view of himself was developed by what someone else thought of him. This is an example of:
  • The verbal and nonverbal ways we act to maintain our own presenting image and the image of others.
  • Stereotyping in an example of what?
  • When Jennifer gets upset and moody of something Stan does he says she is being irrational. When he storms out of the room he says he is just blowing off steam. This is an example of what?
  • Bob considers himself a devout Christian. This is a stable perception of what?
  • What are the steps in the perception process of others?
  • Hindus feel loyalty to their community and family. They are an example of what type of culture.
  • The languages, values, beliefs, traditions and customs people share as a team.
  • Military members that place a high value on duty, security and hierarchy are part of what type of culture.
  • Hitler's belief that the Aryan race was superior to the Jewish race was an example of ethnocentrism.
  • Meanings are in people not words is a concept of what?
  • Denotative meaning involves implied interpretations for words and connotative meanings are the formally recognized definitions of a term.
  • In the English language read and read can be spelled the same but have two different meanings and sound different. I read a book and I am going to read a book. This can be confusing to people learning English and is an example of what?
  • We hear the term "Plus Size" model quite often in advertisements for clothing. This is what type of evasive language?
  • The notion that language influences the way we experience the world.
  • "The directions were not clear so the project did not get done" is an example of a responsibility statement.
  • Boots, brown boots, brown leather boots, Freebird brown leather boots, Freebird brown leather boots-ize 10, Freebird brown leather boots size 10 style Cadance is an example of what?
  • Cindy tells John that she can't go with him to the concert because she can't get it off of work. John responds by saying "If I can help you find someone to cover your shift you would like to go?" John is practicing what?
  • The degree of congruence between what a listener understands and what the message sender is attempting to communicate.
  • George keeps interrupting Sandi's presentation at work. He keeps adding how he would do it and how his way is better than hers. This is an example of what?
  • Hearing, attending, understanding, responding and remembering are all steps in the listening process.
  • Heather had a small car accident on the way to work and is having a hard time paying attention to a very important meeting. What is her reason for poor listening?
  • Mary is listening to a long winded explanation from her boss about what she needs to do to get a project done. She focuses her attention on finding key ideas and asks meaningful questions. Mary is practicing what type of listening?
  • When you barge into your sister room without knocking you are being disrespectful of what type of space?
  • Mary is trying to discipline her son Josh for not cleaning his room. Josh crosses his arms and rolls his eyes and then stomps out of the room. Josh is using what form of communication?
  • Gestures are a form of non-verbal communication an are part of the study of haptics.
  • If someone is arguing with you and their face is bright read and their eyes are bulging but they tell you everything is fine what type of non verbal communication are they sending you?
  • You are standing in a line to board your flight. The person behind you is so close you can feel their breath on your neck and they keep stepping on the back of your shoes. What type of space are they disrespecting?
  • The voice can be considered a nonverbal form of communication.
  • What type of nonverbal communicator, like head bobbing of fidgeting, can be inaugurated as dishonesty?
  • Nancy is the type of leader that encourage her team to work in cross functional teams to make share in the responsibilities of the decisions that they make. What type of leadership style does Nancy have.
  • Most experts limit the size of a group to how many members?
  • A Gatekeep is considered why type of a roll in a group?
  • You are trying to find a local restaurant that will donate food for a charity event. One of your members has a brother that owns a restaurant. What type of power does this member have.
  • Several of the people in your office would like to try and convince the boss that there needs to be an espresso machine in the break room. You are the most senior employee and have a great rapport with the boss. What type of a leader are you?
  • A person in your study group is pushing the team to achieve better results so they can get a good grade. This person has a hidden agenda.
  • A group is a collection of individual who coordinate their individual efforts and a team is a group of of people who share a common team purpose.
  • Norms are limited in scope while rules are broader and wider in scope.
  • You are working in a group and have a very complicated discussion to make. The decision will impact everyone in the group. You have time to get everyone involved. What type of decision making approach would be the best?
  • What is the best know problem solving strategy for encouraging creativity avoiding group issues like criticizing another person's ideas.
  • Group cohesiveness will guarantee success.
  • You are working on a project that involves several different departments. When you implement you decision you discover that the change will have a negative impact on accounting. This is an example of what?
  • Research has shown that groups can produce more solutions to problems that individuals working alone for several reasons including resources, accuracy, commitment and diversity.
  • Sam has just returned from a trip to China. In a meeting at work the team was asked to discuss the possibility opening a plant in China. Sam was spontaneously asked to discuss infrastructure issues they might face. What type of speech is this?
  • When choosing a speech topic you should choose one that is right for you, the audience and the situation.
  • Which of the following is NOT a purpose of an informative speech?
  • Stacy is giving a speech in which she selects certain facts to support her conclusions but leaves out other facts that contradict with it. What type of persuasion is she using?
  • Beth is giving a speech and provides her audience with two or more sides to a story that are conflicting. Her goal is to get the audience to choose the truth for themselves. This is an example of what type of proposition?
  • Fred is trying to convince a committee about the need to designate more land to building parks. He uses the phrase "If we don't build more parks soon our children will have no green grass to play on." What type of fallacies is this?
  • You are watching an add on TV that describes the scientific statistics of why you should by their product. What type of rhetorical device are they using in the add?
  • When speaking to a hostile audience the first thing you should do is try to convince them you are right by stating the facts.
  • Social judgement theory suggests that the best chance of changing audience attitudes would be presenting an argument based of a position that falls within the listeners latitude of actuation.
  • Wendy was terrified to learn that she and another classmate were giving a speech on the same topic. Even though the topics were the same Wendy was able to deliver her speech with more enthusiasm and likability. She had more what?
  • Coercion can provide lasting results.