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President of the Whole Fifth Grade

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Reading Selection: President of the Whole Fifth Grade. A book by Sherri Winston

Created Date 03.28.19
Last Updated 03.28.19
Viewed 53 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is the most likely reason Mrs. Nutmeg supports Becks joining Jasmine's campaign team?
  • Brianna's thoughts in paragraphs 3 through 5 emphasize that she-
  • The sensory language in paragraph 22 highlights-
  • By the end of the story, the reader can infer that Brianna has become concerned that Jasmine will-
  • What do the details in paragraph 11 emphasize about Brianna?
  • What does the word "underhanded" mean in paragraph 6?
  • How do Jasmine's comments in paragraphs 20 and 22 affect the plot?
  • What is the best summary of this story? (Look for the summary in your selection packet- #8)
  • Read the sentence from paragraph 6. "A guilty feeling scratched at the back of my mind." The figurative language in this sentence shows that Briana-
  • Which sentence helps the reader predict that Brianna will not get the campaign team she wants?