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Hip Hop Dance and Globalization

| See more in Performing Arts

Test your knowledge on hip-hop dance and globalization!

Created Date 05.06.24
Last Updated 05.06.24
Viewed 0 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • The birthplace of hip-hop dance and culture
  • One of the earliest forms of hip-hop dance involving intricate footwork, spins, and acrobatic moves performed on the ground
  • A culture that originated from African American and Latino communities that consists of DJing, MCing, breaking/b-boying, graffiti, and knowledge
  • Circles of people gathered around B-boys
  • A multidimensional process that transcends national borders
  • Encompasses a wide range of dance styles that are often performed to hip-hop music or other genres with a similar beat
  • Erasure of the cultural and historical significance of hip hop dance, as well as perpetuate stereotypes and misconceptions about its origins