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Art Appreciation Attack

| See more in Visual Arts

Short review of some vocabulary and general concepts from Art Appreciation Semester 1.

Created Date 05.04.24
Last Updated 05.06.24
Viewed 1 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What does pigment do?
  • What is the purpose of a binder?
  • What is the purpose of a vehicle?
  • What is the purpose of gesso?
  • What kind of surface is true fresco used on?
  • What is encaustic?
  • What is the act of taking the paper off the matric called?
  • What word is used to describe the process of painting a plate with acid-resistant varnish then drawing on it to expose metal underneath?
  • Which of the following describes a line?
  • Which of the following describes mass?
  • Which of the following describes volume?
  • Which of the following describes sculptures that move?
  • Which of the following describes unity?
  • If a line is ___, it is at rest. If a line is diagonal, then it is in motion.
  • Evaluation is ....
  • What is crosshatching?
  • What does tooth refer to?
  • What is a comic?
  • What is an aperture?
  • When you can walk around a sculpture and see details from every angle, the sculpture is______.
  • What is the first step in the casting process (Chapter 9 Sculpture)?
  • Who makes ceramics or dishes?
  • Which of the following is the rarest and finest material in ceramics?
  • Which of the following describes architectural function?
  • Which of the following defines the hierarchy of scale?