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Grade 5 Social - Arctic Game 2

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Grade 5 Social Check-in Practice - Arctic Region Game 2

Created Date 12.07.22
Last Updated 12.09.22
Viewed 4 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • PROVINCES - Arctic What provinces are a part of the Arctic region?
  • BODIES OF WATER - Arctic Which bodies of water are a part of the Arctic Region?
  • LANDFORMS - Arctic How could you best describe the landforms in the Arctic region?
  • CLIMATE - Arctic Is the climate: cold, icy, and snowy in the winter (-45), cool summers (+15), very little precipitation. heavy winds?
  • NATURAL RESOURCES - Arctic What are the Arctic region's natural resources?
  • INDUSTRIES - Arctic What industries are a part of the Arctic region?
  • VEGETATION - Artic Mosses, shrubs, and bushes are a part of the Arctic region's vegetation.
  • VEGETATION - Arctic Region Hard rocky soil, permafrost restricts growth, ad there are no trees in the Arctic region.
  • POPULATION - Arctic The population of the Arctic region is mostly made up of German peoples.
  • POPULATION - Arctic What major city is a part of the Arctic region?
  • POPULATION - Arctic The Arctic region has the lowest population!