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Test your knowledge. Match words commonly used to describe abuse with their definitions.

Created Date 11.18.22
Last Updated 11.21.22
Viewed 0 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • any actions which cause harm to another person
  • a person who uses abuse to (attempt to) control another person
  • attempting to or forcing another person to act differently
  • abuse that occurs between people that are dating, often preferable by younger people
  • abuse that occurs between people in an intimate, dating or family relationship
  • often only associated with physical abuse
  • abuse that uses money to cause harm or control over another person
  • when one person uses threats to cause fear or coercion
  • when one person uses friends, family and social networks to establish and maintain power by restrict
  • abuse that causes harm to another person’s self
  • a psychological disorder that can occur in an individual after suffering a traumatic event
  • a sheltered place to live when leaving an abusive home
  • a plan a victim of domestic abuse creates to minimize or prevent further abuse
  • abuse that involves using sexual acts or related behaviours to establish and maintain power
  • unwanted sexual activity forced on one person by another
  • abuse that uses spirituality or religion to develop and maintain power
  • a person who has experienced abuse
  • when one person pursues, follows or harasses another person against their wishes
  • an expression to cause harm, pain or injury to another person
  • experiencing an event that causes damage or stress to a person’s physical or psychological self
  • abuse that uses words to establish and maintain power and control
  • a person who is abused, harmed or killed by another person
  • practice of questioning what a victim could have done differently in order to prevent a crime from h
  • when the victim of an event is blamed, or partially blamed, for their own attack