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Math Review: Inequalities

| See more in Algebra

3.1-3.3 Solving 1-step inequalities

Created Date 10.03.18
Last Updated 10.03.18
Viewed 72 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • m - 1 > -16
  • x - 17 < -29
  • -3 > n - 8
  • -19 > p - 3
  • -6 < 4 + n
  • a - ( - 3) < 13
  • 48 > - 12x
  • - 12v > -12
  • -3 > x / 10
  • - 6r > -72
  • 44 > - 11n
  • - 108 < 12x
  • 65 < - 5x
  • -2 > b / 11
  • - 216 < 18k
  • Write this as an algebraic expression: the sum of d and 8 is greater than 26
  • Write this as an algebraic expression: the quotient of v and 5 is less than 7
  • Sadie must sell at least 50 scented candles for the band fund-raiser. She has already sold 36 candles. Choose the correctly defined variable.
  • Sadie must sell at least 50 scented candles for the band fund-raiser. She has already sold 36 candles. Choose the correct inequality to represent the problem.
  • Sadie must sell at least 50 scented candles for the band fund-raiser. She has already sold 36 candles. How many more candles must she sell for the fundraiser?
  • Bags of Halloween candy cost $1.39. How many can we buy at Target if we have a $10 gift card? Define a variable.
  • Bags of Halloween candy cost $1.39. How many can we buy at Target if we have a $10 gift card? What inequality represents the problem?