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The Scientific Revolution & The Enlightenment Unit-Rapid Fire Review Game

| See more in History

Covers significant figures, events, documents, and miscellaneous information regarding the French Revolution

Created Date 10.10.22
Last Updated 10.13.22
Viewed 0 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Author of the Declaration of Independence
  • Creator of the Scientific Method
  • This country is a global power due to their location & track record of winning wars?
  • A method of making a specific observation then reaching a conclusion
  • After the Seven Years War had left the British broke, who was expected to pay for the war?
  • Antoine Van Leeuwenhoek is the creator of the ______.
  • This was the idea that people have to give up a few of their rights in order to keep peace & order.
  • A method of making a theory and then testing to see if it is true
  • The founder of Pennsylvania, a Quaker that was known for his pacifism, logic & opposition of war/killing
  • John Locke believed that these three concepts were natural human rights.
  • Who lead the revolution against Catherine the Great?
  • Galileo’s discovery of this lead to the church placing him under house arrest because it disproved crystalline spheres?
  • John Wesley is the founder of this religion, which believes in service to others & having a very personal relationship with God.
  • Which battle of the American revolution is considered to be the turning point in the war?
  • This is the person that believed in international laws.
  • This idea stated that everything had to come from something, nothing comes from nothing.
  • This person is the parent of free market, wanted there to be free trade principles of capitalism.
  • Which are two examples of the colonist rebelling against the British?
  • The author of “On the Structure of the Human Body”, dissected & studied the human body.
  • This idea claims that we humans are molded by our experiences, we are a clean slate.