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Fair Use

| See more in Political Science

Online game for educators to check their understanding on the topic of fair use

Created Date 06.26.22
Last Updated 06.27.22
Viewed 9 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • a legal doctrine that promotes freedom of expression by permitting the unlicensed use of copyright-protected works in certain circumstances
  • a factor that determines how much one can use of a copyright work
  • how it benefits or harms the market is a factor of fair use
  • a factor of fair use is to determine the reason why it's being used
  • Fair use law protects the users from asking ___________ from the copyright owners.
  • Without fair use, one commits copyright __________________.
  • to criticize, copy, comment, create parody, news reporting are all ways to support fair use as it's ___________________.
  • by making copies of an entire book, a user can effect the ___________.
  • there are more copyright and fair use laws that protect both students and ____________ alike.
  • since one cannot copy the entire book for the class, the teacher can make it accessible for students to check out or ____________.
  • some artistic image can be legal or not based on whether it's used ____________________ or online.