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People's Process Jeopardy

| See more in Political Science

A game to learn about topics related to the People's Process for Safety and Freedom

Created Date 06.02.22
Last Updated 06.03.22
Viewed 6 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Unlike a democracy, the people elect leaders to decide legislation and make choices for the state. This is actually the governing structure of the United States.
  • A radical assembly of community members seeking to share and implement ideas about the community they live in.
  • Both of these chambers must pass similar pieces of legislation before it goes to the President.
  • This federally elected official has the power to veto legislation.
  • Legislation vetoed by the President doesn't become law unless both chambers override veto by this much.
  • Voter ID laws, incarceration, gerrymandering, voter purges. Governing bodies continue to use these tools that block electoral engagement.
  • Mandatory minimums and this "rule" led to an increase in incarceration rates.
  • Of the $30.2 billion authorized in the Crime Bill, the majority of the funds went to law enforcement and this?
  • States were granted $12.5 billion to build prisons if they passed these laws that would require incarcerated people to serve at least 85% of their sentences.
  • This man who has been part of current and past presidential administrations was a key drafter of the '94 crime bill Double Points: Name the president that signed it into law.
  • This Southern organization set up an alternative to the Alabama Democratic Party. At the time the county was 80% Black but only one Black person was registered to vote within the entire county.
  • This political movement of indigenous people is explicit in their effort to challenge neoliberalism and create a new world. In 1994 they challenged NAFTA and its accelerated land privatization & resource extraction.