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Social Studies: 7th Grade Units 1-3 Review

| See more in Cultural Studies

This is a review for WSFCS 7th grade social studies teachers.

Created Date 05.22.22
Last Updated 05.26.22
Viewed 5 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Something produced by someone who actually lived through history
  • Something produced about something in history by someone who did not live through it
  • Physical features of a place
  • The values and beliefs of a people who hold them in common
  • Faith-based values and beliefs held in common
  • The total money system of a country or a region
  • The politics that helps structure a society
  • Important invention that increases learning during the Renaissance
  • The widespread transfer of food, ideas, products and people between Europe, Africa and the New World
  • When Martin Luther put his document on the church, which leads to increased questioning of the church
  • The split up of the church into two different parts
  • Theory that the sun is the center of the universe
  • Theory that the earth is the center of the Universe
  • Assassination of this Archduke began World War 1
  • The dropping of this destroyed Japanese Cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima
  • Surprise attack upon Hawaii that leads to the US entry into World War 2.
  • Systemic and planned killing of specific groups of people prior to and during World War 2.
  • Movement that leads to increased awareness of the harshness of colonial rule, leads to decolonization
  • Battle of _________________, battle where one side fought with cows, and its destruction ends Songhai Empire
  • War between Russia and Turkey over the Holy Land
  • When countries try to take over weaker countries to exploit resources, aka "Take over the World"
  • Name for a country that has been taken over by another country
  • M in MAIN, as in the causes of World War 1, "let's gear up for war"
  • A in MAIN, as in the causes of World War 1, "I got your back if you got mine"
  • N in Main, as in the Causes of World War 1, "my country is the best"
  • Treaty of ___________, that ends World War 1.
  • International Peace-Keeping body created after WW1, that mainly failed because it had no power
  • Dictatorship governments that rose to power prior to World War 2
  • Dictator of Germany prior to World War 2
  • Dictator of Russia prior to World War 2
  • Dictator of Italy prior to World War 2
  • Peace-keeping body that was created after WW2, that still functions today
  • War that has no physical fighting, but threats of fighting
  • Where people do not own their own property, government controls economy
  • Government does not control economy, and people own property