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Culinary 1

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Eggs and Dairy Products

Created Date 02.11.22
Last Updated 02.14.22
Viewed 9 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Process in which milk is heated to kill microorganisms that cause spoilage and disease without affecting its nutritional value.
  • Process in which milk is strained through very fine holes to break down fat and then is blended into one fluid.
  • A common condition that is digestive and is a negative reaction to many cultured dairy products, including milk.
  • A protein, found in milk, to which some people have an allergic reaction.
  • Dairy liquid that contains far more fat than milk.
  • Process of adding bacterial cultures to milk- usually lactic acid bacteria.
  • Refers to a dietary supplement containing live bacteria that is taken orally to restore beneficial bacteria to the body.
  • The point at which an oil or fat begins to burn.
  • Any alternative used to replace butter in a recipe.
  • The watery part of milk that is separated from the curd solids in the process of making cheese.
  • The process of separating a milk's solids from its liquid in order to make cheese. The proteins or "Curds" that form are then usually processed in some way to make a particular type of cheese.
  • Types of cheese, also called fresh cheeses, that include cream cheese and cottage cheese. These cheeses are soft and have a high moisture content.
  • Describes types of cheese that are aged with the modification of added ripening agents, which give the cheeses its unique features, such as taste and textures.
  • Cheese made by grinding, blending, and forming one or more natural cheeses, with emulsifiers to help make the product uniform.
  • The white part of an egg.
  • The membranes in an egg that hold the egg yolk in place.
  • Slightly cooked eggs.
  • A variety of baked eggs that have been baked in a flat-bottomed dish, such as a ramekin.
  • Small, ceramic, oven-proof dishes
  • Eggs removed from the shell and simmered in water.
  • Also described simply as "up"; describes fried eggs that are fried only on the bottom.
  • Describes eggs that are fried on the bottom, then turned over and fried very lightly on their top sides.
  • Eggs that are fried and then steamed in a covered pan.
  • Egg dish made by slightly bearing eggs and then cooking them in a skillet with a filling, such as cheese- mushrooms- onions or ham.
  • Another name for flat omelet
  • A savory eggs custard baked in a crust
  • Dish, made of eggs, that can be either savory or sweet. The egg whites cause the it to puff during cooking.
  • Eggs that are cracked open and combined in a container.