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Lines Used in Blueprint Reading

| See more in Manufacturing

You'll identify lines used in blueprint reading.

Created Date 06.02.15
Last Updated 06.02.15
Viewed 3767 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Select the line used to represent a visible edge or outline of a part.
  • Select the line used to represent invisible edges or features of a part.
  • Select the line used to represent the center of a circle or a portion of a circle.
  • Select the line used as a continuation of a visible edge for purposes of dimensioning.
  • Select the line ending with an arrowhead that indicates an exact distance.
  • Select the line ending with an arrowhead or dot that points to a dimension or note.
  • Select the line that shows where an imaginary cutting of the part has taken place.
  • Select the free hand line used to save drawing space or to separate an internal feature from an external feature.
  • Select the lines that are used to indicate that a long central portion of a part has been removed to shorten a view.