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CHS 1 | Understanding Computer System

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Read and Analyze each Computer Hardware Component and find its appropriate description.

Created Date 09.19.21
Last Updated 09.24.21
Viewed 9 Times
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  • The main function of this is to supply electric current all over the system unit.
  • It contains all the smaller components of the system unit such as transistors and etc.
  • An example of input device that is used to enter characters in the computer
  • This is part of computer hardware that is used to display information.
  • Also known as computer chasis
  • This input device is being used to select any option or hovering the cursor.
  • This is also known as the main processor of the computer system
  • Also known as Random Access Memory
  • Also known as Read Only Memory
  • It is a secondary storage commonly located at the buttom part of the computer chasis
  • This is used to read CD's or DVD's
  • It is where RAMs are being placed.
  • It is one of the system cooler to help release the heat in the system unit
  • It is one example of connectors that was being used back then.
  • One of the most common connectors that we have nowadays for input and output devices
  • These are devices that helps input data in the computer
  • These are devices that display or produce tangible or non-tangible results
  • These devices helps us store information in small or bigger scale
  • An example of output device that gives you tangible version of information
  • This is where all the smaller components of the motherboard all soldered and is usually made up of three layer
  • An example of an output device that produce sounds.
  • An example of input device that input information through sound.
  • An example of input device that records your image or videos.
  • Also known as Automatic Voltage Regulator