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Workplace Autonomy

| See more in Education & Training

Creating & Benefiting from autonomy in the workplace

Created Date 08.11.21
Last Updated 08.13.21
Viewed 11 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is Autonomy?
  • How can you encourage Autonomy?
  • Coaching improves autonomy by?
  • How do you create a sense of ownership in employees?
  • How can you show you're listening to employees?
  • How can you encourage employees to feel fulfilled in their work?
  • How can you support employees?
  • What's key when setting goals?
  • Autonomy cannot exist without?
  • How does autonomy impact attrition?
  • What happens when workers are empowered?
  • What are two essential elements for building autonomy?
  • How does empowerment impact employee resilience?