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Fair Use Tic-Tac-Toe

| See more in Foundational IT Skills

Practice fair use knowledge

Created Date 07.10.21
Last Updated 07.12.21
Viewed 7 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Since the 1970's, every picture, song, story, movie, sculpture, and drawing created is automatically copyright protected.
  • All of these works can be copied without worrying about copyright law..except one. Which one is NOT okay to copy and use?
  • If you are using a small portion of a copyright-protected song for a school project, it's okay. Why?
  • If an image you want to copy does not have the copyright symbol on it, you may use it any way you want.
  • If you want to use copyrighted material outside of the Fair Use guidelines, you should do which of the following?
  • Even if you use works that are public domain, you should give credit to the source (called attribution).
  • If I found the work (song, story, graphic) on the Internet, it must be public domain.
  • The copyright protection laws were written so the creators would profit from creation & it would encourage creativity.
  • Which of these is the definition of fair use?
  • If in doubt of fairly using any material, you should contact the copyright owner?
  • Which of the following is considered fair use of copyrighted material?