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Zoonotic Diseases Knowledge Check

| See more in Health Science

Students will test their knowledge of zoonotic diseases.

Created Date 05.14.21
Last Updated 05.17.21
Viewed 12 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is any disease which may be passed from animals to people or from people to animals​?
  • Approximately _____% of all human pathogens are zoonotic.
  • Agents, or germs, that cause zoonotic diseases can come from what domains?
  • The infectious agents involved in many zoonotic diseases are considered ________.
  • Which of the following is NOT considered a category of transmission for zoonotic diseases?
  • Ticks are considered to be in what transmission category?
  • Which route of transmission is the most common way people become infected with zoonotic parasites?
  • What is the most common parasite carried by dogs and cats?
  • It is advisable to fully cook your meat because parasites can create cysts in the meat and infect people. True or False?
  • Which of these is NOT a simple measure to prevent parasite infestations?