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Chemical and Physical Property Bingo

| See more in Chemistry

Review definitions and examples of chemical and physical properties

Created Date 05.05.21
Last Updated 05.06.21
Viewed 128 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • a characteristic of a substance that can be observed without changing the substance into another substance
  • a characteristic of a substance that describes its ability to change into other substances
  • physical property that describes the way something smells
  • physical property that describes how likely something is to dissolve in solution
  • physical property that measures how much mass is in a given space
  • physical property that describes the size of something or how much space it takes up
  • physical property that measures how much matter is in an object
  • the temperature when a solid turns into a liquid
  • the temperature when a liquid turns into a solid
  • chemical property of how likely something is to burn
  • chemical property of how the substance reacts when it comes in touch with other substances
  • chemical property of if matter can react with an acid
  • smelling dirty socks
  • paper burning and turning into ash
  • ice melting into water at room temp
  • kool aid powder dissolving in water
  • water freezing into ice in the freezer
  • sodium reacting with chlorine to make table salt
  • grams
  • liters
  • D = M/V
  • oil sitting on top of water
  • how much Ms. White weighs on a scale
  • the size of a beach ball