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Macroeconomics Test

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Unit 3 Macroeconomics Test Project:A game with 30 questions going through the AKS.

Created Date 05.05.21
Last Updated 05.06.21
Viewed 0 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Why do lenders lose money when inflation occurs?
  • What indicates that inflation is occurring?
  • What does GDP measure?
  • Price stability occurs when the rate of ________ is kept low and consistent over an extended period of time.
  • How do you calculate GDP?
  • What is NOT calculated in the GDP?
  • What is investment?
  • How do you calculate the amount of net exports?
  • GDP is a measurement of _______ goods, because it does not include _______goods.
  • What causes changes in the GDP?
  • What is the Real GDP per capita?
  • What does the Labor force include?
  • Who would not be in the labor force?
  • What are the three types of unemployment?
  • What qualifies as frictional unemployment?
  • What qualifies as cyclical unemployment?
  • What qualifies as structural unemployment?
  • How do you find the unemployment rate?
  • Are people in retirement considered to be in the labor force?
  • What is the lowest stage of the business cycle?
  • What does the business cycle measure and represent?
  • What is a recession according to the business cycle?
  • When the federal government’s budget when the tax revenue received for a given fiscal year is less than the amount of spending done by the government during that year, what is that called?
  • What indicates economic growth?
  • What is Stagflation?
  • Which of the following is the Aggregate Demand not affected by?
  • Who gains from inflation? Why?