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Five Principles of Ethics Code

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A review of the principles of the APA Ethics Code

Created Date 04.24.21
Last Updated 04.27.21
Viewed 2 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Do NO harm and safe guard the rights of others (animals and people). Including when conflicts occur psychologists solve them in a way that minimizes harm.
  • Respect the dignity and worth of all people, rights to privacy, confidentiality, and self-determination; including using safeguards to protect those who are vulnerable and unable to make decisions for themselves.
  • Do not misuse influence and take advantage of others.
  • Some of professional time is pro-bono.
  • Psychologists are concerned about the ethical compliance of their colleagues.
  • Be aware of how your physical and mental health impacts your work.
  • Establish relationships of trust with colleagues.
  • Psychologists are aware if the professional and scientific responsibilities of the communities and societies they work in.
  • Uphold standards, clarify professional roles, accept responsibility, manage conflicts of interest which could lead to exploitation or harm.
  • Consult and cooperate with other professionals in a way that serves the best interest of the client.
  • Psychologists are honest and truthful and provide accurate statements in science, teaching, and practice of psychology. This means NO stealing, cheating, fraud, subterfuge or intentional misrepresentation. Also, keep your promises and avoid unwise/unclear commitments.
  • Psychologists are aware of the differences of different groups (-ims) and try to eliminate any personal biases for these groups, do not engage in activities that perpetuate prejudices.
  • In the case of deception, psychologists should consider the need, consequences, and how to correct any mistrust or harm from the use of such techniques.
  • All people should be able to access and benefit from psychology and serves should be equal to all people.
  • Use judgement and take precautions to ensure biases, competency, and limitations of knowledge do not lead to unjust practices.