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Rhetoric and Fallacies

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Rhetoric and Fallacies Definition Game

Created Date 05.12.21
Last Updated 05.13.21
Viewed 7 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • A fallacy that attacks the person rather than dealing with the real issue in dispute
  • A fallacy which assumes that because something is popular, it is therefore good, correct, or desirable
  • A fallacy in which a speaker jumps to a general conclusion on the basis of insufficient evidence
  • Involves repeating the claim as a way to provide evidence, resulting in no evidence at all
  • Uses irrelevant emotion as reason
  • Something that does not logically follow
  • Assuming that because B comes after A, A caused B
  • A fallacy that introduces an irrelevant issue to divert attention from the subject under discussion
  • A fallacy of argument in which the writer shows only one side of an argument
  • A fallacy that assumes that taking a first step will lead to subsequent steps that will be disastrous and cannot be prevented
  • Misrepresenting someone's argument to make it easier to attack
  • Considering only two extremes when there are other possibilities
  • Moral Character
  • Emotion
  • Reason
  • "Well YOU don't even have a cat so you wouldn't know if they were worse than dogs" is an example of what
  • "EVERYONE is getting the new iPhone that just came out, I'm going to get it too" is an example of what
  • "A man died from choking on a carrot, that must mean carrots kill people!" is an example of what
  • "My dog is so cute because he is the cutest dog ever" is an example of what
  • If you yell in front of your children, you are teaching them how to be violent!" is an example of what
  • "I'm kind of thirsty, I wonder what we have to eat" is an example of what
  • "I accidentally knocked over this picture on the wall and my mom got sick right after" is an example of what
  • Son: "Mom I'm allergic to green beans I can't eat them" Mom: "There are starving kids in Africa who could be eating those beans quit making your life sound so hard" is an example of what
  • "Dogs are the worst animal because they're feisty, mean, aggressive, dumb, cost too much, too hard to train, etc." is an example of what
  • "You shouldn't get a big dog because big dogs eat more than smaller dogs, therefore you'll need to buy a lot more dog food, therefore you would lose a lot more money, therefore you will barley have any money left" is an example of what
  • Person 1: "You need to wear your mask or else you have a chance of getting or spreading Covid-19" Person 2: "Oh so you're saying it's MY fault Covid-19 is going around?" is an example of what
  • "You can either go outside all day and stay healthy or stay inside all day and be unhealthy" is an example of what
  • "I've had both dogs and cats as pets and believe me I had a way better experience with the dogs" is an example of what
  • "Every dollar you donate will help rescue the suffering puppies at our animal shelter" is an example of what
  • "70 percent of pet owners in America own dogs rather than cats" is an example of what