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Types of Character Crossword

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You will learn the definition and comprehend the following 17 terms

Created Date 09.27.16
Last Updated 09.28.16
Viewed 29 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • The "bad guy" or villain.
  • Forrest Gump is an example of this type of character
  • A character who appears at the end to save everyone
  • An apparition or double of a living person
  • Goes through an inner change in, as a change of personality
  • Characterized as brave and noble and is admired for his/hers achievements
  • A moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way
  • A trait in a character leading to his downfall, often is the hero
  • Uncomplicated and don't change through the course of a story
  • The joker would be an example of
  • Merida from the movie Brave is a
  • Extreme pride and arrogance shown by a character that ultimately brings about his downfall.
  • The story teller
  • Main character
  • Encounters conflict and is changed by it.
  • Character who undergoes little or no inner change
  • Character who makes a judgment error that inevitably leads to his/her own destruction.