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Our Most Known Scientists!

| See more in Space Science

Here you are tasked to look for the most famous scientist in the box! have fun!

Created Date 04.08.21
Last Updated 04.09.21
Viewed 2 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Founded the sciences of mechanics and hydrostatics, calculated pi precisely, devised the law of exponents, created new geometrical proofs, invented nu
  • Known widely for developing the theory of relativity, but he also made important contributions to the development of the theory of quantum mechanics.
  • Discovers the principle of inertia, building the stage for a rational view of motion.
  • A genius whose philosophical ideas are still taught, but whose contributions to science retarded progress for almost two millennia.
  • Inventor of the metal detector, the telephone and the photophone – the first device to carry the human voice using light.
  • Codiscovered the chemical elements radium and polonium
  • Devised an atomic theory featuring tiny particles always in motion interacting through collision
  • One of the great philosophers; advocate of skepticism in the scientific method;
  • Authored Elements, the most famous and most published mathematical work in history
  • The rebirth of Western mathematics: Fibonacci’s Book of Calculation introduced the Indian number system, now used worldwide, to Europe.