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The Single Life Game (Beekeeper)

| See more in Philosophy

Navigate through trivia about the Single Life, making the right choices to hopefully achieve your final Vocation! If there are five people, two people should play as one bee.

Created Date 02.26.21
Last Updated 03.02.21
Viewed 3 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • _______ ministry calls the laity to use their strengths to be SERVICE leaders
  • As a single layperson, you should choose to live a secluded life solely based on prayer.
  • You wish to live as a "Prophet" in a school. Which job would BEST fit this vocation?
  • If you choose to live the single life, you must give up all worldly possessions.
  • You choose to serve your parish as a single person. You must live...
  • (Priest) You choose to assist a specific ministry of the Church. Which is not an option?
  • You are a single person following the Church mission. It is helpful to have a guiding:
  • In this options for a Holy Single Life, you can introduce non-believers to the Church.
  • You want to do more for the Parish, so you give up everything you currently own.
  • Someone tells you single laypeople must be celibate for eternity. How do you respond?
  • (King) You wish to serve the poor and you want a historical role model. You choose:
  • Living as a Prophet, you can in no way run for office as a US Representative.
  • As a single layperson, you want to meet people you can discuss scripture with. Go to:
  • What vocational job could MOST LIKELY prevent a layperson from pursuing a relationship?
  • (Priest) You are a happily single layperson who wants to live a vibrant sacramental life
  • As a single layperson, you choose to avoid performing charitable acts.
  • You're an older single layperson. You devoted your life to being single and charitable.
  • (King) You, a single layperson, wish to live a life of service by aiding your family:
  • (Priest) To serve the calling of single lay "Priest," your job must be
  • You remain single for a few years after you graduate college. Is this a vocation?