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Endocrine Game

| See more in Health Science

Review of all things endocrine

Created Date 02.18.21
Last Updated 02.19.21
Viewed 90 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Which of these signs suggests that a male client with the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) secretion is experiencing complications?
  • The nurse is assessing a client after a thyroidectomy. The assessment reveals muscle twitching and tingling, along with numbness in the fingers, toes, and mouth area. The nurse should suspect which complication?
  • A male client with type 1 diabetes mellitus has a highly elevated glycosylated hemoglobin (Hb) test result. In discussing the result with the client, the nurse would be most accurate in stating:
  • For the first 72 hours after thyroidectomy surgery, nurse Jamie would assess the female client for Chvostek’s sign and Trousseau’s sign because they indicate which of the following?
  • The nurse should expect a client with hypothyroidism to report which health concerns?
  • When instructing the female client diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism about diet, the nurse should stress the importance of which of the following?
  • The nurse providing dietary instructions to a male client with hypoglycemia. To control hypoglycemic episodes, the nurse should recommend:
  • A female client with hypothyroidism (myxedema) is receiving levothyroxine (Synthroid), 25 mcg P.O. daily. Which finding should the nurse recognize as an adverse drug effect.
  • An incoherent female client with a history of hypothyroidism is brought to the emergency department by the rescue squad. Physical and laboratory findings reveal hypothermia, hypoventilation, respiratory acidosis, bradycardia, hypotension, and nonpitting edema of the face and pretibial area. These findings suggest what complication?
  • For a male client with hyperglycemia, which assessment finding is most likely?
  • When caring for a male client with diabetes insipidus, the nurse expects to administer