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Possessive Nouns

| See more in Linguistics

This game will help you practice your knowledge of singular and possessive plural nouns. Remember:* a singular possessive noun has 's, like boy's, horse's, and king's. * a plural possessive noun has s' like trees', computers', and games'

Created Date 02.10.21
Last Updated 02.15.21
Viewed 360 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The car belongs to the man.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The dinner belongs to the family.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The books belong to the students.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The candy belongs to Jessica.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The mess belongs to the dogs.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The painting belongs to the woman.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The homework belongs to Mike.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The mouse hole belongs to the mice.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The blanket belongs to the child.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The house belongs to Mrs. Johnson.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The ball belongs to the boys.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The restroom belongs to the girls.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The keys belong to my father.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The house belongs to my grandma.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The beach ball belongs to George.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The sloths belong to Charlie.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. the cages of the birds
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The tire belongs to the car.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The toys belong to the children.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The room of the teacher.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. the home of the girl
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. the tools belong to the men
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The crackers belong to Maria.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The pens belong to the teachers.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The shirt belongs to her sister.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. the doors of the schools
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The Jetta belongs to Rebecca.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The engine belongs to the plane.
  • Rewrite this phrase into a possessive noun. The bears belong to the children.