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Right way or Wrong Way in a Job Interview

Job interview

Created Date 01.27.21
Last Updated 01.27.21
Viewed 10 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • You lied on your resume to make yourself look better. The interviewer called the last place you said you worked, and they found out you never worked there.
  • The employer called the company you listed as a reference, and they gave you a glowing review.
  • You list your mom as a reference because you know she’ll say good things about you.
  • You list a former boss, former coworker, and former teacher as a reference on your resume.
  • You didn’t list any references on your resume, so no one can call to find out if you were a good worker at your last job.
  • You call your references ahead of time to get permission to list them on your job application. And to give them a heads up that someone may contact them.
  • The interviewer asks why you are leaving your current job, and you say, “I hate that place. The boss is mean. The pay sucks. And no one understands me. I know this job will be way better.”
  • The interviewer asks why you are leaving your current job. Even though you don’t like your job, you say, “I’m just looking for a new opportunity.”
  • You know that the job you’re applying for doesn’t require employees to dress up, so you come to the interview in a hoodie and jeans.
  • You don’t have a nice suit or blazer, so you borrow one from a friend to wear to your interview.
  • You thought your interviewer was really cool, so you call him/her the next day to see if they want to hang out or get coffee.
  • You write a kind and professional thank you letter and mail it to your interviewer.
  • Your GPS did not take you to the right place for your interview. You end up being 8 minutes late.
  • You drive to your interview place the day before so you can make sure you know where it is and how long it takes to get there.
  • You walk into your interview at the exact time it’s supposed to start.
  • You arrive at your interview 15 minutes early and have to wait in the lobby until it’s your turn.
  • The interviewer asks, “Do you have any questions for us?” You say, “No, I think I’m good. This place seems great!”
  • The interviewer asks, “Do you have any questions for us?” You say, “Yes! What is a typical day like in your company?”
  • Your interviewer had you email your resume ahead of time, so you don’t bring any printed copies with you to the actual interview.
  • The interview is almost over, and they have not told you how much money you’ll make at this job. When they ask if you have any questions, you ask, “Yes, how much does this position pay?”
  • In an interview you are put on the spot a lot with questions. Because you are nervous and trying to answer quickly, you say “does that make sense?” at the end of most questions to make sure they are tracking with you.
  • The interviewer asks you a question, and you’re not sure how to answer it. You say, “May I have a minute to think before I answer?”