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Chloe's Flashy Flashcards

| See more in Algebra

Test your knowledge on matrices, system of equations, and transformations.

Created Date 12.15.20
Last Updated 12.16.20
Viewed 5 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is the determinant of the matrix with the elements 4 and 6 in the first row and -3 and -3 in the second row?
  • find x and y 3x+y=12 & 2x+4y=12
  • solve for x and y 3x+5y=15 & 3x+3y=15
  • Suppose the graph of y=x^2 is stretched vertically by a factor of 3, then translated right 2 units, and down 9 units. What would the new line be?
  • Suppose the graph of y=f(x) is translated left 7 units, and up 8 units, then stretched horizontally by a factor of 3. Which is correct?
  • If the graph looks like the following picture, what is the parent function?
  • What is the answer when you multiply the matrix with the elements 2 and 0 in the first row, and 4 and 6 in the second, by a scalar of 2? Are the elements...
  • what is the product of these two matrix : the first martix has elements of -1 and 5 in the first row and 5 and 2 in the second. The second matrice has 4 and 6 in the first row 6 and 8 in the second
  • solve for x: 4x+3=9x+12-2x
  • Suppose the graph of y=f(x) is stretched vertically by a factor of 4, reflected across the-axis, translated right 5 units, and down 2 units, what is the new line?