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Government Types and Their Contributing Principles

| See more in Education & Training

This game is meant to review Government Types and Their Contributing Principles in the Aztec Learning Program.

Created Date 10.30.20
Last Updated 11.01.20
Viewed 136 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • A document that limited the power of the king.
  • A government where most or all of the power is with one person, such as a king or queen.
  • The idea that the people have all of the power in their own country.
  • A type of government where people vote for representatives who govern and create law.
  • Similar to a republic where people vote for representatives to make decisions in government.
  • The power of government is split between national, state, and local levels.
  • A society where the people who have great wealth have all of the power.
  • A government where a single person holds all of the power.
  • The principle that a ruler or government is not all powerful.
  • A person or group who take part in an organized attempt to influence legislators.
  • A change or addition to the Constitution.
  • A government in which one person has absolute authority over citizens' lives.
  • Individual citizens vote on issues of government in a meeting of all citizens.
  • Which country has a presidential republic with a federal system that is limited by the Constitution.
  • A type of government in which only a few people rule.