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Enzyme Trivia - Olivia B.

| See more in Biology

Test your knowledge on enzymes.

Created Date 10.22.20
Last Updated 10.23.20
Viewed 22 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is another name for enzymes?
  • Which of these statements is FALSE about enzymes?
  • Enzymes are organic catalysts. How do they increase the rate of chemical reactions? (AE=activation energy FE=free energy)
  • What is the active site? (EZ=enzyme)
  • True or False: The shape of a protein enzyme is dramatically affected by changes in pH and temperature.
  • Which of these is NOT a factor for denaturing an enzyme?
  • Which is an example of a coenzyme?
  • True or False: A catalyst is a substance that can not change the rate of a reaction without being altered.
  • With what 3 letters do enzymes typically end in?
  • Any substance that is acted upon by an enzyme is called a?
  • After the enzyme and substrate bind together and perform a reaction, what does the substrate become?
  • Enzymes provide a place where reactants (substrates) can be brought together in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction; this place is called the _______.
  • True or False: An enzyme speeds up a chemical reaction in the cell but can only be used once.
  • At high temperatures, enzyme activity declines because of ______________.
  • Which of these is classified as an enzyme?
  • Amylase is an enzyme found in saliva that helps break down strach in your mouth. In this chemical reaction, starch would be an example of a(n):
  • What happens to an enzyme when it is denatured?
  • What makes an enzyme substrate specific?
  • Enzymes are composed of which of the following monomers?
  • Enzymes will make a reaction go ________ and use _______ energy.
  • True or False: Every enzyme has an optimal temperature and pH.