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8th Grade Review Unit 1

| See more in Anthropology

Game 1

Created Date 10.22.20
Last Updated 10.22.20
Viewed 10 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • The most important power of the US Supreme Court is the power to
  • Which of these parts of the United States Constitution contains fundamental liberties of American citizens?
  • What specific resources led to the increase?
  • The Mayflower Compact (1620) was significant in the political development of the American colonies because it introduced the principle of
  • Which of the following accurately describes an effect of the Northwest Ordinance?
  • The main disagreement between Federalists and Anti-Federalists was:
  • Which of the following is NOT true about Shays' Rebellion?
  • The men who took part in Shays' Rebellion were angry because:
  • Which of the following would Thomas Jefferson, an Anti-Federalist, have DIASGREED with?
  • A majority of the people who FIRST migrated to the colonies of today's United States of America were from:
  • Many of the people who migrated to the American colonies came because:
  • Which of the following was NOT an ideal or belief that the colonists held?
  • How did the Sugar Act and Quartering Act contribute to the start of the Revolutionary War?
  • This document influenced the colonists' government because it stated that no one -- not even the King of England-- was above the law and had to follow it.