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Nursing Level 2 Cardiac Review

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cardiac disorder review

Created Date 09.30.20
Last Updated 10.01.20
Viewed 57 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Which laboratory values indicate heart disease or cardiac injury?
  • These are symptoms of this subtype of heart failure: -Shortness of breath/ dyspnea / orthopnea -crackles on auscultation -pale color, -weak pulses -cool temperature in extremities, delayed capillary refill -fatigue, weakness
  • These are symptoms of this subtype of heart failure: -JVD -Dependent edema -Hepatomegaly -Ascites
  • Mr. Thompson’s ECG reveals atrial fibrillation with a heart rate of 130 to 140 bpm. His BP is 185/102 mm Hg. His respirations are labored and fast at 40 per minute. He's on oxygen at 4 L/min via nasal cannula, with an oxygen saturation of 95%. Echo: EF of 30%. Troponin <.1 Creatinine 1.5, BUN 30, BNP 500 K 6.0 Which order is 1st priority?
  • What are some modifiable risk factors for coronary artery disease?
  • Which is the most dangerous aspect of CAD ?
  • What is the gold standard for the diagnosis of flow-limiting coronary artery diseas (Myocardial infarction from atherosclerosis)
  • A nurse is caring for a patient with a diagnosis of MI. The patient calls the nurse because he is experiencing chest pain. The nurse administers an SL nitroglycerin tablet as prescribed. After 5 minutes, the chest pain is unrelieved by the nitroglycerin. The next nursing action is which of the following?
  • Which statement by the patient about the need for antihypertensive medication indicates the need for further teaching?
  • The nurse sees her new admission has an order for a pre test probability risk score, d-dimer labs, and ultrasound of the lower extremities. The nurse anticipates the team is evaluating the patient for what condition?
  • Which assessment component is appropriate for your patient admitted with symptoms of a TIA?
  • This is a condition where the obstruction of blood flow through the large peripheral arteries causes a partial or total arterial occlusion. This obstruction can be caused by a combination of atherosclerosis, inflammation, stenosis, embolus, and thrombus. It deprives the lower extremities of oxygen and nutrients. The result of this inadequate tissue perfusion can be ischemia and necrosis, or cell death.
  • This condition increases the likelihood of an aneurysm rupture and needs to be carefully managed in patients with a AAA.