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Triviatron Text Features Review

| See more in Literature

You ready to be put to the test? Then come over here and let's see your mettle.

Created Date 09.23.20
Last Updated 09.28.20
Viewed 3 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Shows land, cities and where they are.
  • Shows important events in ABC order; helps you know the order of events that happened
  • Words that are tilted to show importance.
  • Organizes important key information in a small space.
  • Gives an overview of the text; sets a purpose for reading.
  • Word is darker than other words to show it will be found in the glossary.
  • A symbol in front of the sentence, sometimes used for listing.
  • Divides the text into sections. Tells what each section is about.
  • Tells you what the text is about and what is called.
  • A list of different terms in ABC order, each word is defined.
  • Explains what the photo or illustration is about.
  • Lists different chapters or important information and their page numbers.
  • Is an ABC order of listing of important information.
  • Bold, color, or italics; tells you that is an important word.
  • The item that colors the word so it can still be seen to show it is an important word.
  • Gives info in a visual way and helps you understand the text better
  • Drawings that show or explain something. Helps you understand steps, how things are made, or info in the text
  • Gives more information about the text.The information is an a box which is separated from the text.