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Helping Students - Modifications vs. Accommodations

| See more in Education & Training

When working with students it's important to know the difference between modifications and accommodations! Let's GOOOO!!!!

Created Date 09.17.20
Last Updated 09.21.20
Viewed 0 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Changing HOW a student accesses information and demonstrates information is...
  • Changing WHAT a student is expected to learn is
  • Only students on IEPs or 504s can receive accommodations.
  • A student is working on grade level materials, the number of curriculum standards are reduced
  • Providing students with page numbers to look up answers on worksheets is an example of
  • Student is given note-taking assistance through graphic organizers, outlines, copy of the note. This is:
  • Giving a student extended time on a test is an example of
  • Accommodations impact grading a student's work.
  • Who in the school is legally required to provide identified accommodations to students on IEPs/504s?
  • Student is given a graphic organizer and a list of grade level words to write a summary.